Samstag, 19. November 2016

Gedicht für "IMAGES" - Repräsentation von Kulturen.

Hier das Gedicht über deutsche Klischees. Wer hätte gedacht, dass ausgerechnet ich mal in positiver Weise Deutschland repräsentieren würde? Na gut, es war mein Job, aber es hat Spaß gemacht! Auf englisch schreiben, fällt mir definitiv nicht so leicht, wie auf deutsch ;) Es ging dabei darum einen lustigen Abend zu haben, die aufgezählten Klischees sind also nicht todernst zu nehmen! Und achja... Der letzte Part geht an dich, Trump!

Yes, I am German, but I do not only drink beer.
Yes, I am German, but I do not attend the Oktoberfest every single year.
This culture is so much more and so much less than people expect. Germans don’t mean to be rude, but in Germany being distant means showing respect.
Our language sure can sound kind of rough, but we promise: Germans actually often do laugh.
There are so many more cities than Munich, Frankfurt and Berlin.
We have a sad history, but Germany really is not anymore how it once has been.

Yes, being on time is important in our country, but sometimes even Germans are late.
Yes, we do have to pay a lot of taxes, but that’s because we are a welfare state.
And it’s true that we party a lot, but we also work really hard to achieve our goals. But there are so many prejudices which we are not. We are 82 Million people and 82 Million different souls.

Just like Americans do not all eat fast food every single day, we also do not fulfill every single cliché.
There is this preconception that Germans love rules, and indeed we have a lot of those.
But loving all of them is only done by fools, not by all the German pros.

Although – or especially because – we are talking about Germans: They do not all believe in National Socialism. In fact, most Germans really detest racism and praise liberalism.
We broke down the wall in 1989 and since then Germany is actually doing pretty fine.
We are still working on finding our identity. So here we are trying to separate prejudices from reality.

There are things that Germans are crazy about; like soccer, cars and Sauerkraut.
We celebrate Christmas on December 24, Valentine’s day is a tradition which we almost completely ignore and we spend a lot of time being outdoors.
We are not all blonde and blue eyed, it is not easy for us to socialize or compromise, but admittedly we really often do criticize.
We don’t mean to be impolite, it is just really hard for us to open up. But once we do, we finally break the ice.

In Germany, there sure is a lot of lacking, but there are so many great parts, too. Isn’t it nice to see how changes in Germany day by day happen? And isn’t it great looking ahead, having a pretty good view?
For those who don’t know about Germany: It is the country where parts of American culture once began. And it also has the shape of a pacman.
It is interesting to see how many people have German ancestors, who came to the US. It is interesting to find – behind all those differences – so many connections, because of people who came here to get help, when Germany was a mess.

So maybe we should stop looking for the things that are different and start looking for our common ground. Considering our history, I bet there is gonna be a lot that can be found.
So, we all have people and things that we love. Many of us believe in something or someone above.
We all have fears and dreams and wishes and I bet every person in Germany as well as in the US has certain ambitions.
All of us see one and the same moon every single night and all of us are sometimes wrong and sometimes right.

We are all living on the same beautiful planet and even though we are all one of a kind, we have so many different beautiful talents and have all different things on our mind.
Culture sure is something that sets us apart, but to me those differences between people all over the world are some kind of beautiful art.

So let’s be excited for all those cultures and every single person we meet. Because just seeing differences would be such a shame. Knowing diversity is such a treat, especially since all our hearts are clearly the same.

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